Friday, August 22, 2008

Waiting and Hoping

Ada has been on the Cytoxan for now for 4 days, but we have not seen a decrease in the amount of protein she is spilling as yet. We have seen a significant increase in her swelling. She is now carrying between 10 and 15 lbs of extra fluid.

We have a lot of unanswered questions right now. How long should it take for the Cytoxan to kick in? How do we best balance the fluids? My understanding is that she needs to drink plenty of water to flush the Cytoxan through her body, or it can be really hard on the kidneys; but when she is swollen we are suppose to restrict her fluid intake.

I have put in a call to the Neph Center, and they will return my call when they get a few minutes, it usually takes about 24 hrs to get a return call - and it's the weekend again (I wonder if medical people look forward to weekends, or dread them).

Ada and her younger brother and sister left home today with my sister to go visit cousins. I don't think I would let Ada go right now, but Sis is a nurse and knows how to handle meds and charting, she know how to evaluate symptoms; and she also works at a good hospital should anything urgent happen (unlikely). So this gives me a little break to enjoy the new one, and gives the kids a chance to play with their cousins.

We are doing everything we can for Ada. So at this point it is just a matter of waiting for the medication to do it's thing, and pray. Never under-estimate the power of prayer. If anything can help Ada I know that it will be due to the prayers offered in her behalf. And I am extremely greatful that she is not in pain, or suffering, only slightly uncomfortable from being puffy. We sure appreciate all the family and friends who are keeping her, and us, in their prayers. I don't know what we would do without you.


Marci said...

Hang in there! What a challenge to face so young. Our prayers are with you!

Cathi said...

Thanks for the update. I'm sorry you're not getting better results. This hurry-up-and-wait thing can sure be frustrating. Have you been praying for patience lately? (LOL)

I'm glad you were willing to let the kids go. I'm sure you need the emotional space as much as the physical rest right now. What a blessing families can be in times of need, as well as times of joy.

I love the slide show!

Hugs, Cathi :-)