Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trust in the Lord

This is my new little brother. He was due this Saturday, so Mom was worried about how we would make my appointment at the University Hospital on Friday. Heavenly Father has taken care of Everything. Baby brother arrived just after midnight on Monday Morning, everything went perfect.

Since baby brother is now here we can make arrangements for my Dr appointments and not worry about Mom having him in the middle of nowhere as we travel to and fro.

I sure love my little brother. (Mom says if I keep rubbing his hair he won't have any left.)


Cally said...

congratulations ada (and the rest of you too!)

Itty-Bitty Portraits said...

Ahhh, Congrats, I am so happy that everything went well, good luck at your appointment, I am still praying for you! T

Cathi said...

Congratulations on the safe arrival of little brother. So nice to know Heavenly Father is aware of the smallest details in our life and willing to help us in any way. Ada, and the entire family, continue to be in my prayers, and our family prayers.

Let us know what happens next.

Love you, Cathi :-)