Friday, March 14, 2008

Lookin' Good

We are so excited!! The treatment appears to be working. Her urine tested negative for proteins this morning. Hurray! Also, much of the swelling in her body has gone down. There is still some edema, but she is getting her ankles and knees back. And we have Ada's laughing eyes back. She is still a little puffy in the cheeks, but I suspect those are the prednisone cheeks (moonface) that will go away once she is weened off the prednisone. Hurray!
Now that she is doing so well and the edema is under control I think we can go up to the original sodium restriction. Which should be cakewalk now.

1 comment:

Cathi said...

Hooray for the good news! She looks like the regular Ada now, except with those chipmunk cheeks. Thanks for keeping us updated.