Saturday, March 29, 2008

set back?

Ada has been testing negative for proteins for the last week, really encouraging us. But a couple of days ago she crept back up to trace, not a concern; and now is at a 1 (on a Neg, Trace, 1,2,3,4 scale).

She does have a cold, so maybe that is just par for the course. At this point we don't need to do anything different unless her proteins stay up for a week, or raise up to a 3 or 4 for a couple of days. And we have an appointment with the nephrologist the end of next week. He will be able to know at that point if we can continue as planned weening her off the prednisone or if she will need to stay on it a little longer.

So here is hoping that her cold clears up the the proteins go back down.

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