The saying is that "Every Dark Cloud has a Silver Lining". Would you believe it, we keep finding additional silver linings that make the cloud appear less dark?
A few we have already discovered include; a wonderful community of supportive people, increased faith, increased knowledge, and more.
Another we just discovered is increased health?!? We have to do a health evaluation every year at Dad's work, which determines how much we pay for medical insurance. We are rated on several health indicators based on BMI and blood labs. Points are allocated for each item with 100 points being given for results in the "top" of each catagory.
We usually come in right around 90 pts. Dad was really stressing the tests this year because they have tightened down each financial bracket and he was worried we would end up paying more. Lo and behold when we got his results back we were shocked to see that he had received the maximum 100 points.
The only thing we can atribute this to is a change in diet, the result of Ada's "low sodium" requirements. To go Low Sodium you really have to cut out most processed foods, which also reduces fats, preservatives, and other dietary "no no's". I didn't think it had made that much difference, but appearantly it does.
P.S. I got a 100 pts too, but only because of a Dr waver. Having my blood labs done 3 days post-partum my lab results were way out of wack, and of course my BMI was way off too :-)