Friday, May 2, 2008

Prednisone Reduction

Yesterday we were able to reduce Ada's prednisone from 30mg every other day to 25 mg every other day. She will only take 4 doses of this and then we will reduce again to the next level, assuming we have no setbacks.

A few days ago her protein levels slipped up to a 1+ for the day, but then immediately fell back down to negative and have held there for the las 3 days, so I am learning not to get excited when her proteins raise up to a one. Our instructions say we don't need to contact the Dr unless she holds between a 1&2 for a week, or raise to a 3-4 for more than 2 days.

My understanding is anything can cause a temporary raise in proteins, from a slight cold or allergies, to testing the urine after she has already been up and about for a little bit.

So everything is looking good at this point. We'll keep you posted as we continue the step-down process.


Cathi said...

Yeah for ADA! I'm so glad to hear that she continues to progress. Please do keep us posted.

Mother of 2 Angels said...

Just as we were tapering molly down she relapsed again!!!!! Now they want to put her back at full dosage plus talk of a biop. I am heartbroken with this all.

McKinnon said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. Our heart breaks for you. I pray for strength for you and your darling Molly. Keep us posted.