Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Good News

Talk to the clinic (well, left phone messages back and forth). The good new is that as far as they are concerned trace is as good as negative, so as long as her 1s are occasional and she doesn't spike above a 2 then we can just keep an eye on her. No swelling or any other problems. I'm glad we don't have to worry about prednesone or anything else like that. So on with a normal life, knock on wood.


Unknown said...

My daughter is going to be 5 yrs old. She was diagnosed with NS at age 2. She did a 12 week course of cyclophosphamide and has been in remission for a year and a half. Prior to that had many relapes. Now she is starting to spill trace and 1+ since December.
How many relapses did your daughter have?
How is she doing now?

MommaBear said...

We have been fortunate that we have not had a relapse since she came off the cytoxan. Daily tests show her spilling trace, and occasionally a 1+, but since she does not sustain that or spike above it she must have a new normal that is acceptable. We will continue to monitor her over the next 5 years, watching just in case she does relapse. Good luck to you and your daughter. Check out some of our other little friends from this site. They are good company.