Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ha Ha Jokes on me

So, of course, Ada did a pee check last night after I responded to a comment the other day from someone asking how many times Ada had relapsed since her cytoxan and the stick was dark, a 3+. I decided not to panic, she has been running trace with an occasional 1 and the clinic said she was fine as long as she didn't stay at a 1 or 2 too long or spike to a 3/4.

So we checked again this morning and she was still a 3+, pushing a 4. So back on the low sodium kick while we wait and watch. Won't be too big of an adjustment as we maintained a lot of the habits from before - will just miss the convenience of store bought breads.

Hopefully her body will self correct. If not, I guess she will have to go back on a prednisone treatment. Fortunately most of her friends have responded much better to the prednisone after their cytoxan treatment and so that bodes well for Ada.

And I thought/hoped we were done for good. We'll see.


Diane said...

You'll all be in our prayers! Hope this is an easy quick fix!

ashton4inlv said...

We'll be praying :)