Friday, October 10, 2008

Stomach Problem identified

- warning: frank discussion of bodily functions -

I called Ada's NP and we talked about just what sypmtoms she was experiencing, how long etc. She asked if Ada had been having regular bowel movements. (OK, I need to start paying attention to that because medical people are always asking about that :-))

Anyway, I didn't think she had been real regular, but wasn't sure. Her NP suggested that she may be having bowel problems which could include painful gas. (been there, done that, not fun). It seemed to be a good fit with what may be going on - warm baths and back rubs being something that helps and all. She suggested trying miralax to see if that helped, and if Ada wasn't feeling better in the morning to go visit the GP to see if we might be missing something.

So we asked Ada if she had been having normal poops. She said yes, except the other day she had bumpy rock poops. OK, that answers that. At the NP's direction we gave her a dose of miralax (warnings all over the bottle not to use if you have kidney problems without Dr's direction - so "don't try this at home" without Dr approval) and it worked. She slept through the night in her own bed and is feeling much better today.

Don't know if there is any connection between this and the NS, the medications, or if this was just another thing life throws at you and she grabbed it. But glad we have the help we need to get through all this.


Cathi said...

Glad to know it was something relatively insignificant. I realize that constipation can be quite serious, but it was easily solved this time. No new disease processes, no problems with meds.

Thank goodness for m small blessings, like doctors and nurses who think to ask if she was having regular bm's, and for things like miralax.

Hugs to you and her!

Wild Banks' said...

I like the warning. Although, I don't know any moms that don't have a "frank discussion of bodily functions" fairly often, potty training, sickness, babies, etc. You can't avoid reality! Although, watching the new moms here, I'm beginning to feel like some new wave-hippie-exhibitionist, either that or I've scared them all to death of nursing in public. Do you ever feel that way?