Friday, January 27, 2012

Heading into 2012

(always a smile!)
Although no news is good news, I thought I would share a little about how Ada is doing.

She went off prednisone on Thanksgiving Day 2011 and has been doing well.

She tolerates the prednisone pretty well, but this last time that insatiable appatite took over and she gained some excess weight. I'm pretty sure she will work it off in normal play, but I am trying to help her retrain her eating habits.

I'm attaching a few photos to show that nothing slows her down. Even though we would like this disease to resolve itself (which the Nephrologist assures us it will in time) she isn't allowing herself to become a victim of the disease.
a hike with dad ice-skating with sis.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your journey. I visit your site often and it is a great comfort to be able to relate to someone be it virtually, who has and continues to journey through the same condition my daughter does. My daughter was diagnosed with NS Feb. 2011. She responded well to Prednisone but would relapse within 15 days of coming off the steroids. This happened 3 times over the past year and so she is now considered a frequent relapser and steroid-dependent. She started a 12-week course of cytoxan in early December and has been off Prednisone for 5 weeks now thanks to cytoxan. She has maintained negative proteins, though today she started spilling +1. I was so hopeful the cytoxan would work for her and am trying to remain positive and hope it doesn't move up to +3 or more. It's hard some times to maintain the strong exterior when inside your heart is breaking. I find much comfort in reading through your posts and knowing you have had many ups and downs and that Ada is doing well. Thank you for sharing this with us.