Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So Ada is back in auto-pilot.

After a couple days of 1 or 2 she shot up to a 3+ for a couple of days. But I also noticed her urine was very dark, brownish. I didn't know if that was her being dehydrated (has she been drinking much lately - I haven't a clue) or were more serious things going on?

So after consulting with our family Dr we decided to push fluids (nothing drastic, just making sure she was getting a reasonable amount of fluids) and see what happened.

The next day her urine was light colored, pale yellow, and her protein back down to trace. We were able to continue the same pattern for a couple of days.

So she is definitely spilling some proteins - but only a trace, which is unconcerning to the nephrology clinic. But we have learned that if she gets dehydrated the proteins will become more concentrated in her urine. Likewise, if she drinks more water they will be diluted. But as long as she is drinking a reasonable amount of water that should give us our best indication of how she is doing.

So do I know what is going on - not really. I hope it will clear up completely in time. But at least for now she is able to go about normal activity and we continue to know what to watch for.